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How to update schema?

One of the advantages of using GraphQL is the ability to generate TypeScript types from the GraphQL schema. This ensures that the types used in the client code match those defined in the schema, which helps avoid errors and makes it easier to refactor the codebase.


Apollo Client documentation provides detailed information on how to use TypeScript with Apollo Client.

After making changes to the schema on the back-end, the types in the client application need to be updated accordingly. In this article, we will describe the steps that need to be taken to update types based on the GraphQL schema in the webapp application.

Updating GraphQL TypeScript types instructions

To update types in the webapp application code, two steps need to be taken:

  1. Download schemas

    To download the GraphQL schemas, run the command:

    pnpm nx run webapp:graphql:download-schema

    This command will introspect and save both schemas (main back-end API and Contentful API) to files located at


    Then you can generate types based on the downloaded files.

  2. Generate types

    To generate the types based on the downloaded GraphQL schemas, run the following command:

    pnpm nx run webapp:graphql:generate-types

    This command uses the graphql-codegen tool and a special configuration defined in packages/webapp-libs/webapp-api-client/graphql/codegen.ts. This configuration looks for graphql/codegen.ts files in the webapp-libs directory and merges them into a single configuration. Based on this configuration, it generates ready to use TypeScript types in packages/webapp-libs/webapp-api-client/src/graphql/__generated.

Example Usage of the Generated Types

Once the types have been generated, they can be used in the webapp code. For example, suppose you woulid like to have a query that fetches data from the API:

import { gql } from '@shipfast/webapp-api-client/graphql';

export const getPostsQuery = gql(/* GraphQL */`
query getPostsQuery() {
posts {
import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client';
import { getPostsQuery } from './posts.graphql';

function Posts() {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(getPostsQuery);

if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error :(</p>;

return (
{data? => (
<li key={}>{post.title}</li>

In the example above data returned from useQuery has correct types.