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How to write a new email template?

By default, you should use a plop generator to create a new template, but it's still a good idea to read how to do it manually to understand all the ins and outs.

Option 1: Generate files with plop

You can use plop to generate all necessary files and types of an empty email template.

Just run the following command in packages/webapp directory:

plop email MyEmailName

You should not change the name of generated components unless you're sure what you're doing.

Option 2: Create template manually

Create email type

Every email needs a specific type. It's a crucial value that the backend uses to choose the right template when sending out emails. Just make sure it's exactly the same in both packages.

export enum EmailTemplateType {

Do not remove the //<-- INJECT EMAIL TYPE --> comment. It's necessary for plop generator to work properly.

Create template body component

The body of the email should be defined in a Template component, with this exact name. In the following example you'll get a simple component, with a logo, title, a paragraph of text, and a link that looks like a button:

import { useGenerateAbsoluteLocalePath } from '@shipfast/webapp-core/hooks';
import { RoutesConfig } from '@shipfast/webapp-core/config/routes';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

import { EmailComponentProps } from '../../types';
import { Button, Layout } from '../../base';

export type MyEmailNameProps = EmailComponentProps & {
// props passed from backend

export const Template = ({}: MyEmailNameProps) => {
const generateLocalePath = useGenerateAbsoluteLocalePath();
const url = generateLocalePath(RoutesConfig.home);

return (
title={<FormattedMessage defaultMessage="Title" id="Email / MyEmailName / Title" />}
text={<FormattedMessage defaultMessage="Text" id="Email / MyEmailName / Text" />}
<Button linkTo={url}>
<FormattedMessage defaultMessage="Button" id="Email / MyEmailName / Link label" />

Create subject component

Next, create a Subject component that renders the value used as the subject of the email. This component should be located right alongside the Template component.

export const Subject = ({}: MyEmailNameProps) => <FormattedMessage defaultMessage="Subject" id="Email / MyEmailName / Subject" />

Barrel export

Don't forget to export those components.

export * from './myEmailName.component';

Create storybook

It's a good idea to create a storybook story for the email template. It's quite difficult to test the email if you have to send it every time you change something. On top of that storybook allows you to send the email to a defined email address with a press of a button in web browser!

import { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';

import { EmailTemplateType } from '../../types';
import { EmailStory } from '../../emailStory/emailStory.component';
import {
Template as MyEmailNameEmail,
Subject as MyEmailNameSubject,
} from './myEmailName.component';

const Template: StoryFn<MyEmailNameProps> = (args) => (
<EmailStory type={EmailTemplateType.MY_EMAIL_NAME} subject={<MyEmailNameSubject />} emailData={args}>
<MyEmailNameEmail {...args} />

export default {
title: 'Emails/MyEmailName',
component: MyEmailNameEmail,

export const Primary = Template.bind({});
Primary.args = {};

Add email to configuration

import { EmailTemplateDefinition, EmailTemplateType } from '../types';
import * as MyEmailName from './myEmailName';

export const templates: Record<EmailTemplateType, EmailTemplateDefinition> = {
[EmailTemplateType.MY_EMAIL_NAME]: MyEmailName,


Do not remove //<-- INJECT EMAIL TEMPLATE IMPORT --> or //<-- INJECT EMAIL TEMPLATE --> comments. They are necessary for plop generator to work properly.

Edit template file

You can now open packages/webapp-libs/webapp-emails/src/templates/myEmailName/myEmailName.component.tsx file; you'll see two React components there:

  • Template – body of the email.
  • Subject – subject line of the email. You should probably keep this as simple as possible. Ideally rendering just a string value.

You can modify the contents of those components as much as you want:

  • They can receive props, that will be set in runtime on server side while dispatching an email using this template.
  • They can use react-intl for i18n support; lang parameter is passed by backend to define which language the email should be rendered in.
  • To be fair, they can use any type of logic you'd normally use in React.