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CRUD model generator

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) is a standard set of database operations that are commonly used in web applications. These operations allow developers to interact with the database and perform basic functions such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting data. Scaffolding CRUD functionality can speed up custom feature development by providing a starting point for developers to build upon.

CRUD Example Items comes with a built-in example CRUD module under the CRUD Example Items tab in the application. This module contains a list of created items that are stored in the database and loaded through the GraphQL backend API. Users can create, update, and delete items from the list.

Items listNew item form

CRUD Generator Functionality also includes a CRUD generator functionality that allows developers to easily generate frontend code for CRUD for new database models that will be created during the development of the future SaaS application. This functionality generates the basic frontend code for each CRUD operation, including forms, tables, and input validation.